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How to Calm a Dog During Fireworks

Firework displays may be fun for human participants but the loud noises and flashing lights of holiday fireworks spell absolute terror for many dogs–so much so that many dogs go missing after hearing fireworks. If you’re wondering how to calm a dog during fireworks, we’ve got help for you, starting before the fireworks ever begin. …

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7 Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe at a Football Party

If you are preparing for a football bowl party, be sure to plan to keep your dog safe while you and your guests enjoy some fun. Keep an eye on alcoholic beverages. Don’t let Bowser near the beer or any kind of booze. While you may always be careful about that practice, your guests may …

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5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Safe During Fireworks | infographic

Here in Texas, fireworks are limited to certain holidays, with the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve being the big events. However, just yesterday I was out running errands and saw a fireworks stand that was soon going to be opening for Memorial Day weekend–which of course made me start thinking about our dogs. …

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Autumn Dog Walks: Fall Pet Safety Tips

Fall may be my very favorite time of the year. After a long (long!) hot summer, the first cool days re-energize me. I’m ready for long autumn dog walks exploring both our favorite trails and ones we’re just discovering. Autumn dog walks have their own special beauty–but also their own hazards for our dogs. We’ve …

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