I just had the opportunity to dig in to Doodled to Death, one of The Barkview Mysteries featuring–you guessed it–a Doodle!
You don’t have to a Doodle dog parent to sink your teeth into this mystery which combines insights into the personality of the Doodle as well as a good old-fashioned mystery that utilizes the author’s knowledge from her studies at the Gemology Institute of America (so watch for diamonds to play a part in these mysteries!) And these books are must if you’re a fan of cozy mysteries (or make that cosy mysteries if you love the British mystery TV shows like I do!)
After finishing Doodled to Death, I sent in photos of Barli and Isla so they could each become an “honorary resident of Barkview.” Both dogs received a personalized certificate…how fun is that?!

I recently had the chance to learn more about Wilson’s unique book series and the characters that make the community of Barkview so special for dog lovers.

How did you come up with the idea of combining cozy mysteries each featuring a different dog breed?
I have always been a big Hallmark Movies and Mysteries fan (especially during the holidays) which is the quintessential cozy mystery. What better platform is there to explore the role dogs play in our lives?
I firmly believe that there is a ‘right’ dog for everyone. Finding the ideal match offers you a BFF (Best Furry Friend) for life. The Barkview Mysteries Series is Cat’s, a cat person living in a dog centric town, journey to discovering if there is a ‘perfect’ dog for her.
Can you tell us about your own personal connection with dogs and how it influenced your decision to write mysteries featuring them?
In some ways I connect with my heroine and her journey to find the ‘perfect’ dog. My mother, a true couch potato, inspired me to write this series when she adopted a really active Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua mix. (Care to guess how that turned out?)
The Barkview Mysteries looks at the good, and the not so good traits of the featured dog breed. What could be better than you and your BFF (Best Furry Friend) bringing out the best in each other?

What do you think is the appeal of cozy mysteries for readers, particularly those that involve dogs? And for readers who aren’t familiar with cozy mysteries, can you explain a little more about what sets them apart from other mystery novels?
My two favorite things are a good laugh and stories with happy endings. What’s not to love about fun loving dogs, a little mystery to test my powers of deduction and an uplifting ending?
The Cozy Mystery is a heartwarming read that addresses real life problems. No serial killers, terrorists or end-of-the-world thrillers need apply.
How do you strike a balance between crafting a compelling mystery plot and incorporating heartwarming moments involving the dogs?
Dogs are the best subjects to write about. They are loyal and curious characters with distinct personalities who are keenly interested in everything you do.
Their amazing sense of smell and ability to judge character make them the perfect Watson to an investigation. You’d be surprised how much your pup has to say.
How do you select the dog breeds featured in your books and then go about researching their unique personalities?
The dog breeds I write about choose me. Every dog and owner has a story to tell. I love listening and incorporating those funny and poignant moments in my books.
My favorite hangout is our community Dog Park and Dog Beach. (Say hi to the lady with the notebook. She just might be planning your pup’s next adventure.)
I admit that I have many more stories to tell. (Or rather Cat reminds me that she is not ready to end her search yet).
Can you give us a glimpse into your writing routine? Do you have any rituals or habits that help you get into the right mindset when working on your books?
My writing routine is a tough question. Inspiration strikes from so many places. Like my heroine, who solves mysteries by jotting notes on Post-its, paper napkins, scraps of paper or her phone, I arrange and rearrange scenes until I have an outline of sorts and then I start telling the story. I also don’t decide who the murderer is until the end… Hope that keeps you guessing.
Lastly, can you give us a sneak peek into your upcoming projects? Any new cozy mysteries featuring dogs that readers can look forward to?
Aussied to Death just released on July 14th. This adventure features an Australian Shepherd and lost diamonds. It is my first book set at Canine Cay, Australia.
Although the island is fictitious, Canine Cay was inspired by my own honeymoon at Lizard Island near Cairns, Australia. Let me assure you, it was an adventure I’ve waited a long time to tell. Of course, Cat and Russ’s path turned out to be far more challenging.
Dachshund to Death will release just in time for the holidays this year along with a 12 Days of Barkview Christmas song that cracks me up every time I hear it. Those two devious Doxies have Cat running in circles as she hunts for a lost gingerbread recipe that dates to the Civil War.
Shop for The Barkview Mysteries on Amazon in both print and Kindle editions.

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