Product: PetHub Link Tags & PetHub Link ScruffTag Collars
What It Is: ID tags and collars using QR tags to identify your dog or cat
Company: PetHub (all collars and tags made in USA)
DogTipper Review: We first got acquainted with PetHub thanks to the HollyWOOF gift bag, a special event that put new dog products in the hands of dog-loving celebrities (and that we later had the chance to give away here on DogTipper.) Later, we got the chance to meet the folks behind PetHub at BarkWorld Expo, the conference for pet bloggers and social media users held in Atlanta a few months ago.
PetHub is an innovative new way to identify your dog (or cat). Your pet wears either a round ID tag or a scruff collar with the identification tag built in. That identification tag contains a QR tag that’s readable by any smartphone, and it also contains a URL; the person who finds your pet can either use the QR tag or get online to get more information about your dog or cat.
When you purchase either the PetHub Link Tag or the PetHub Link ScruffTag Collar, you’ll receive a free Bronze account for storing an unlimited amount of your pet’s data. You can add photos of your dog, your contact information at home and work, your dog’s special medical needs, backup contacts if you’re not available, your vet’s contact information, and more.
If you’d like, you can also upgrade to a paid subscription. For $39 a year, the Silver subscription provides all the features of the Bronze subscription but also alerts local shelters when your pet is lost and allows you to receive emails with GPS tracking information. For $49 a year, the Gold subscription provides everything in the Silver account but also insures your pet with $3,000 of emergency insurance and every spring you’ll receive a new PetHub tag.
Whether you select the free plan or the paid subscription plans, PetHub is a great way to help get your pets back home in the event they are lost. A big paws up for this product that combines style and technology to help our pets!
Price: PetHub Link Tags are $12.95 plus S&H for the original PetHub tag or $15.95 plus S&H for stylish tags from PetHub collars with built-in identification are available in several styles and are priced from $26-$29 (+ $3 for larger sizes).
For More Information:
- visit
- visit PetHub on Facebook
- follow PetHub on Twitter
Disclosure: We received a complimentary PetHub tag in our attendee bag at BarkWorld Expo; we were not paid for our review and all statements are entirely our own. PetHub is a sponsor of our Super Dog Sunday event to benefit Petfinder Foundation; we are not receiving any money or any other form of compensation for hosting that charitable event.
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