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Laundering Away Pet Odors with Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator

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This post is sponsored by Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator. As always, DogTipper only shares products that we use with our own pets!

As I type this, we’ve got a rainy day underway–with four more days of rain in the forecast. All of you know what rainy days mean in a dog household: wet dogs. And where there’s a wet dog, there’s usually that wet dog smell.

With our big girls, the wet dog smell (regardless of how often I shampoo them) comes out after they dash outside for a potty run and, after toweling off, return to “their” couch in the living room. I wind up laundering the couch cover every other day during rainy spells.

When they’re not dashing into the rain, though, Irie and Tiki find plenty of other ways to get wet. They like nothing better than to swim–or roll on wet dirt or sand–so there’s no shortage of pet odors here!


Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator is used with your usual detergent to provide three times the freshening power of detergent alone. Formulated to handle the toughest laundry odors like perspiration, cooking oil, grease, motor oil, garden soil and mildew, it also is “ruff” on pet odors.

This laundry additive is designed to tackle the odor itself. At the same time the detergent removes the soils from the item, the Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator removes the smell.


Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator can be used on any washable fabrics–including pet bedding and fabric dog collars!

I’m also looking forward to using it to help remove cat urine odors. As our CatTipper readers know, we’ve been having inappropriate elimination problems since our cat Lucky’s bladder surgery last year. We wash pet bedding every few days–so this will be a great way to help remove the odors that we can smell and, even more importantly in helping prevent Lucky from resoiling the same fabrics, remove the odors that Lucky can smell!

Paris Permenter
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