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Ask Dr. Diane: My Dog Attacks Our Pillows!

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Dear Dr. Diane, I have a 2-year-old French Brittany male. He is a very smart dog who seems to get bored with his toys so he attacks our pillows and blankets continuously. No form of punishment seems to work and no new toy seems to distract him. He also still plays with his mouth open and bites at me while I am petting him if he is on his back. Help! It is getting very old not being able to own nice things anymore! Thank you!

Welcome to my world! I have 22 rescue dogs, and although I love having beautiful furniture, rugs and artwork, I understand that these dogs can be destructive, so that I keep my special and favorite and most valuable possession in areas my dogs are not permitted in.

Keep him away from your pillows and blankets. Your 2-year-old French Brittany male is still a puppy, is intelligent, inquisitive and loves to explore. It sounds as if he is bored. Consult with your vet and a behaviorist as to what may be causing him to “act out.”

Make certain he is in good health; on a sound nutritional program and that he is receiving an adequate amount of exercise, playtime and interaction with you. Take him for more frequent walks. Do your best to socialize and obedience train him. You may even want him to participate in doggie sports or agility training.

You may also want to consider taking him to Doggie Day care if you are away at work during the day.

I would not “punish” him – just take the pillows and blankets away as he could swallow parts of them causing digestive problems. When you are not home, you also might consider leaving him in a room in which you have no blankets and pillows or anything of value in which he can have his toys and treats and cause no destruction.


Dr. Pomerance is an animal behavior specialist and an expert on topics such as deciding which puppy is best for your family, how to pick out a rescue, and on healing from the loss of a pet.

For More Information on Dr. Pomerance:

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