What It Is: Eco-friendly aerosol pet cleaning product for fabric and leather
Manufacturer: Sea-Yu Enterprises, Inc. Made in the U.S.
Where It’s Available:
- Pet Supplies Plus®
- other retailers that sell pet specialty products in the US and Canada
- Clean+Green site – www.odorandstainremover.com
DogTipper Review: Living with 2 large dogs and 4 cats means that we deal with our share of pet odor situations. Although all our pets are house trained and are well beyond the puppy/kitten stages, there are the occasional lapses and accidents. And, with the cold winter we are having this year we haven’t been able to air out the house much, so even when our furry buddies are perfectly behaved, there is no doubt that our abode could use some refreshing. Hard surfaces such as floors and walls are relatively easy to deal with by regular vacuuming, mopping, and dusting. But how about the couch and other home fabrics?
That’s where Clean+Green Furniture Refresher comes in; it’s specifically designed for pet beds, upholstery and leather. It’s just one of an array of Clean+Green products aimed at eliminating pet odors on specific surfaces. In addition to the Clean+Green Furniture Refresher we received to review, the product line also includes cleaners and odor eliminators for cleaning carpets, concrete floors, wood, tile, even a de-skunking product. The entire product line is made with cosmetic-grade ingredients and materials that are all-natural, 100% biodegradable, and recyclable. The Clean+Green Furniture Refresher contains:
“Cane sugar derivatives, proprietary blend of botanical extracts, hydrated cellulose (cleaning agents) purified water and a nitrogen propellant which is non-flammable and eco-friendly.”
We decided to test it out on our couch, Irie’s favorite hangout. Although Irie is short-haired and easy to bathe, and even keeps herself clean (frequently grooming herself like a cat) she still has her own doggie odor. Using the product couldn’t be simpler: following the directions on the can we just sprayed the couch and let it air dry for awhile, then gave it the sniff test. There is no need to soak the surface, scrub or rinse. The cleaner itself has little odor since it contains no perfumes or masking agents; it just has a neutral, business-like smell which soon dissapated, leaving…well, hardly any smell at all.
Definitely a paws up! We liked the results and also the fact that the Furniture Refresher is non-toxic and non-carcinogenic.
For More Information:
Disclosure: We received a can of Clean+Green Furniture Refresher for our review. We were not compensated for this review and all opinions are strictly our own.
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