Do you know how to make your dog vomit–and why you may some day need to make him vomit?
As with a child, inducing vomiting in your dog is done when your dog ingests something that he really should not have eaten.
The list of toxic substances is long: chocolate, macadamia nuts, medications, raisins, chewing gum and other products containing Xylitol, sago palm seeds, yeast dough (including homemade play dough), and more.

What to do if your dog has eaten a toxic product
If you suspect that your dog has eaten a potentially toxic substance, your first step is to immediately call your veterinarian and explain just what your dog has eaten, and, if you know, how much of the substance he’s eaten.
If you can’t reach your vet, give ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center a call at (888) 426-4435 (there is a consultation fee for calls).
When you do NOT want to induce vomiting in your dog
Your vet may recommend that you not induce vomiting but just rush your pet into the emergency room. It’s important to realize when you don’t want to induce vomiting including situations:
- when your dog is unconscious
- when your dog is already vomiting
- when you dog has ingested a caustic substance, like bleach or oven cleaner
- when your dog seems ill, whether he appears depressed or is showing signs of seizure
- when your dog’s heart rate is slow
In these cases, head straight to the veterinarian or emergency veterinarian.
Is Vomiting Recommended?
If your dog doesn’t show any of these symptoms and your vet says that it’s a good idea to induce vomiting, though, your next step is to head to your pet first aid kit–where hopefully you’ve added the STAT! Syringe from Innovet.
The recommendation then may be for you to induce vomiting right away before your dog has a chance to digest the substance–so you can see that time is critical here.
Vomiting should be induced within two hours of ingesting the toxic substance.
The syringe is an inexpensive tool to add to your kit along with standard household 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (use only this type).
The syringe is calibrated by pound so that you can measure an appropriate dosage for your dog’s weight.
A soft silicone tip goes in your dog’s mouth angled against the cheek to administer the dosage.
Hopefully your dog will then vomit (walking your dog may expedite the process. What if a dog doesn’t vomit after hydrogen peroxide? If needed, it can be repeated in 15 minutes.
Once your dog has vomited, take your dog and a sample of what he ingested to the veterinarian to address any toxins that may remain in your dog’s system.
STAT! Syringe is one of those products that’s easy to keep on hand for emergencies. We are definitely adding a STAT! Syringe to our first aid kit both for home and travel.
We live over 20 minutes from the veterinarian’s office, time when we would not want our dogs digesting a substance that we could have made them expel by vomiting. Like many products in our first aid kit, it’s one of those things we hope we never have to use but which are invaluable in that time of need.
Note: Never use the STAT! Syringe or any other home vomiting method on cats in your home; you need your vet to induce feline vomiting.
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