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What Constitutes Too Many Dog Accessories?

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Today we have a special guest post brought to you by Collars and Tags. At a time when many of us are dressing our dogs for Halloween, this is a great topic to consider: what constitutes too many dog accessories?

Owners like to dress their dogs. Some more than others. For some people it is just nice to add a few little accessories to make their dog look stylish. For others, it can become an obsession. These days you can buy accessories to dress your dog anywhere from mainstream stores to the animal niche ones.  For those that continuously dress up their pets, it can become too much of a habit. There is even the possibility of punishments for over dressing, with the RSPCA threatening legal action against dog owners who do this. Dogs have been known to wear jumpers and coats. But it’s the pearls and necklaces that some people dress their dogs in that gains the most controversial attention.

Are The Accessories Harmless?

Whether or not the clothing is harmful probably depends on your opinion. But at the end of the day, if clothing is weighing the dog down and restricting their movement, it could certainly be construed as cruelty. This is when the blurred lines arise. It is one thing to put a sweater on a dog to keep them warm and make it look cute. However, accessories such as heavy boots and pants are a hindrance to a dog’s movement. Whether or not the designers of these clothes understand the dangers of their products remains to be seen. One thing is for sure, if owners are allowed to buy these clothes, they will do. Like any craze, it fuels itself.

Dressing Your Dog Should Be Done With Care

Some dogs love the attention that dressing them with accessories gives them. Others though can be of a different bread entirely. Animals have their own personalities and are each to their own, like humans. Owners should bear this in mind when they wish to accessorise their pets. Whether or not it should be a crime to over dress your dog is debatable. As long as they are not visibly discomforted or in pain as a result of the clothing, then for the most part it should be acceptable.

Acceptable Reasons For Using Accessories

In essence, accessories are clothing, and there is nothing wrong with clothing your dog. In many areas of the world the temperatures outside during significant periods of the year are freezing cold. The only way to walk your dog in these conditions is to give them some sort of clothing to protect them. Meaning jumpers and maybe even light boots might be needed depending on the terrain. One thing is for certain, accessorising your dog with a tag or collar to keep them safe is a necessity. Collars and Tags offer this service, and it is essential that if you want your dog to be safe if lost, that you accessorise them with an item marked with your contact details.

What do you think? What accessories do you feel are acceptable for your dog?

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